Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Mama Mamiya Observation on Good Pictures and Current Photography Practice

Analog - This word crept into photography at the start of the digital era,  attached by non-photographers who did not know 140 years of tradition photography was based on light-sensitive emulsions. An incorrect word in current photography practice more suitable for ancient electronic products. Just an observation from poor Pete, trying to make good pictures on the cheap.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Boy on Path

                                                                                                ©Peter N Parsons
This picture of my two-year-old grandson Jonah was made on a  path near my home in Nova Scotia last week.  I used a Zeiss Nettar folding camera with Tri-X film exposed at 1/75 second at f 11.0

Film was developed  in D-76  1:1 for 10 minutes. I lightly used the burn tool in Photoshop to darken down the path in foreground.